Forex Broker Deceptions: How to Avoid Problems

Recovering stolen money made by fraudulent brokers can be difficult or even impossible. Therefore, the best way to avoid trouble is to stay away from the Forex exchange market. We strongly advise against trading in the foreign exchange market because of its unpredictability and high level of risk.

Below are ten common tricks used by brokers.

1. "Refill your card to withdraw money from your account" This method is designed to swindle additional funds. The broker claims that in order to withdraw money from the deposit you need to convince the bank that you are solvent. They ask you to top up your bank card with a certain amount and provide them with an SMS code that you will receive from your bank. However, brokers use this code to charge your card. Never give such codes to anyone.

2. "Don't rush to withdraw your money! Today-tomorrow is a big deal" This is a scam by brokers based on your greed. They entice you with the opportunity to snatch a big win. In fact, the only winner in this situation will be the broker who embezzles your money.

3. "Insure your deposit and nothing will happen to it" Brokers suggest that you insure your deposit to avoid risks. However, there is no insurance in the financial market, so your money just ends up in the broker's pocket.

4. "You did something wrong yourself. We gave clear instructions and you weren't attentive" Brokers claim that you made mistakes which led to a total loss of your funds. They try to put the blame on you so that you don't blame them. A feeling of guilt is created so that you don't shift responsibility to the broker.

5. Contribute funds immediately or you will lose your entire deposit!" This trick is that the broker intentionally creates a drawdown on your deposit. It especially happens with larger deposits that the client cannot afford to lose. Then the broker declares that you have to deposit a certain amount immediately, otherwise you will lose your entire deposit. In such a situation, many people cannot think rationally and rush to find money. They deposit funds, and soon lose them.

6. "Make a deposit, and we will add as much in the form of a bonus" This trick offers you a bonus in the form of an equal amount when you make a deposit. For example, if you deposit $2000, the broker will give you another $2000 on top. In total, you'll have $4,000 in your account. However, this generous offer is only valid for a limited time so as not to give you a chance to think. Another nuance is that you will need to make a certain amount of trades to get the bonus, which will increase the risk of losing your deposit.Thus, a long process of making trades begins, which often results in losing your funds, in an attempt to work off the bonuses. In the end, the unworked bonuses are burned out, and there is almost nothing left in your trading account.

7. "Pay tax or you won't be able to withdraw money from your account" Another trick is to require you to pay tax to be able to withdraw funds. Brokers claim that you have to pay the tax and it is impossible to use the money you already have in your account to pay. You have to find extra money to pay the tax. Why is this a scam? First, many brokers are offshore and not taxed. Second, you are not informed about the withdrawal tax until you want to withdraw funds. Third, all possible commissions are usually set and displayed in your personal cabinet, and there should be no additional fees.

8. "We are bank partners and represent them" Brokers may present themselves as partners of banks and use the credibility of a reputable financial institution to attract you. However, it's worth wondering why the bank is calling you and offering to invest in the stock market. This is often a ploy to interest you and gain access to your funds.

9. "I have years of experience and I know for a fact that you and I will make a lot of money. I've already made my clients fortunes. Guarantees" This ploy is based on loud promises. Dishonest brokers promise you wealth without mentioning the risks or nuances of the foreign exchange market. You are only offered promises and guarantees of quick success. This allows them to attract clients who want to get rich quick, but in the end may cause them to lose their deposited funds.

10. "Let's start with a small amount, so you can see how easy it is" This ploy is aimed at developing your loyalty. At first, you are offered to deposit a small amount, such as a hundred dollars, so that you can increase your deposit by 100% in the shortest possible time. Then the broker offers you to withdraw a small amount so that you feel the money in your hands and get excited about the excitement. You think everything is very simple: you make a deposit, you win, you get rich and repeat the process.

Then your deposits keep increasing and you yourself invest more and more, hoping for big winnings. You may often be asked to recommend a broker's services to your friends and family. However, eventually, when your account becomes attractive enough for the broker, they cheat you and deprive you of your invested funds.

If you are already a victim of a fraudulent broker, there is a procedure called a chargeback, which allows you to recover your lost funds. However, it is important to choose a reliable company that specializes in chargeback to ensure the safety and efficiency of recovering your funds.